Gentle Stride Podiatry

Podiatrists in Medway and Kent

Nail Infection

A very common infection and can range from mild to severe and can affect one or several nails.

Podiatrist in Manchester​​​​

Nail Infection

A very common infection and can range from mild to
severe and can affect one or several nails.

Fungal Nail Infection

Fungal nails are usually characterised by a yellow or brown discolouration, thickening and brittle appearance

In some cases, the infected area can produce an unpleasant odour and debris under the nail. Infections do not always show symptoms or cause pain, although most patients find their appearance unsightly. The most common cause of a fungal nail infection is the spread of a fungal skin infection to the nail. For example, athlete’s foot can spread to the toenail if not treated early.

Podiatry treatment for fungal nails

Why Choose Gentle Stride Podiatry

At our Gentle Stride Podiatry, we combine expert podiatric care with personalised treatment plans tailored to address fungal nail infections and other foot concerns. Our approach ensures effective relief and supports healthier, stronger nails. Trust our dedicated team to help restore your foot health and boost your overall well-being.

Podiatrist in Manchester​​​​​

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